Friday, June 6, 2014

10th Circuit Puts Same-Sex Marriage Recognition on Hold

by Brig Bagley

6 June 2014

In response to Utah deciding to appeal Judge Kimball's ruling to require Utah's recognition of SSM, the 10th District court in Denver has issued a temporary hold on the ruling. The plaintiffs' lawyers have a period of time to argue against the hold while the case is open.

"Although the state recognizes the deep burden placed on families who must continue to wait for a final decision regarding their rights and those of their children, any decision by the highest courts that results in undoing what the district court has granted could be more disruptive than awaiting certainty and finality." –Attorney General Sean Reyes statement

The AG's office believes the Amendment 3 case and this case are so closely related that they could not be inconsistent with appealing both cases. Utah also believes it would "suffer" irreparable harm if it were forced to recognize same-sex marriages that are prohibited by Utah state law.

"Marriage benefits granted to same-sex couples would be "a lot more difficult to undo" if the 10th Circuit were to ultimately rule in the state's favor, said Joni Jones, litigation director in the Utah Attorney General's Office."

Take note the state's intention to undo marriages that were legally provided. This would be a first time in history that marriages were undone in the US. Utah is willing to go that far to defend a 10-year-old voted law.

Read more here:

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