Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Religious Leaders in Mississippi ask Legislators to stop "Religious Freedom Bill", Kentucky AG Refuses to Appeal Court Ruling Favoring LGBT

by Brig Bagley

5 March 2014

A group of  Mississippi Methodist and Baptist leaders signed a letter to the State of Mississippi asking for the "Religious Freedom" bill to be put to an end. Although these persons value religious freedom, they recognize the difference between "religious space and commercial space".

“When providing a service to the public, businesses cannot pick and choose whom to serve and whom to deny. This is basic discrimination and it has nothing to do with religious freedom.”

 Read more here:

The Attorney General of Kentucky will not be fighting the latest ruling forcing the state to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. The state will hire outside attorneys to appeal the ruling.

“Today’s decision by Kentucky attorney general Jack Conway echoes that of state attorneys general across America who refuse to defend discrimination. Conway stands on the right side of history along with the Republican-appointed Kentucky federal judge who held that there is no legitimate justification for denying equal protection to same-sex couples. A growing bipartisan majority of Americans know it is wrong to deny anyone the freedom to marry the person they love. With a marriage case potentially making it to the Supreme Court as soon as 2015, we must continue to make the case across the country that all of America is ready for the freedom to marry.” - Marc Solomon

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